Sunday, July 2, 2017

Plagues and pestilence

When my sons were very young, they always got sick in June. Every year, from about age 2 to age 9 or 10, they'd  be felled by dreadful stomach viruses, or bacterial infections--usually strep.  Then, we enjoyed a few sickness-free summers.  But the plague has returned. Both boys have raging strep infections, and the house feels like a MASH unit. There are blankets and pillows and half-empty (and not half-full) glasses of water everywhere, and no one other than me has enough energy to move off the couch. Thank goodness for antibiotics. They'll be back to normal in no time.

This is an unusually demanding and un-summer-like summer, and every week, I think that I won't bother with posting anything, because what do I have to say? But I feel strangely compelled to write about nothing in particular, with occasional veiled (well, maybe not that veiled--I think the filter is gone) references to crippling anxiety and panic attacks. There are no antibiotics for this, but it comes and goes. I'll also be back to normal in no time.

It's Friday now. At 6:45 this morning, I was sitting on my couch watching "Morning Joe." I watch "MJ" almost every morning, but by "watch," I mean that it's on in the background while I get ready for work. Today, though, I actually sat and watched to see how Joe and Mika would respond to Trump's Twitter attack on Mika.

I thought that I had finally reached a point at which I just couldn't take Donald Trump seriously enough anymore to maintain an appropriate level of outrage. But as it turns out, I have outrage to spare about the fact that this vile and contemptible little man who is entirely lacking in dignity, decency, and self control; and who is unfit to hold any public office at any level, is the President of the United States.

But maybe I'm wrong about self-control. It's 9:30 PM now, and I'm watching Rachel Maddow (OMG, what am I doing with my life?) and she makes the very convincing and compelling argument that the Trump tweets and comments that seem most undisciplined because of their shocking lack of courtesy are the most carefully and thoughtfully written and delivered, because the Twitter storms are all part of a vast bread and circus plan to keep people distracted--maybe entertained or maybe outraged, but distracted from what really matters, which is this administration's determination to dismantle the so-called "administrative state," and establish a Putin-style plutocracy.

Wait, how did I even get started on that?

I don't really like to write about politics, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. I don't really have the time or inclination to do the research and study necessary to really do it well; and besides, what can I say that hasn't been said a million times already. I'm much better just writing inconsequential nonsense about daily ephemera.

The problem is that I can't stop worrying that all of the daily, routine, ordinary things that interest me most will all disappear soon. But I might be overreacting. I tend to do that. How much damage can one man do in just 3 1/2 more years? Things will be back to normal in next to no time.

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