It's stupid to cry over a bad haircut, isn't it? Yes, I know. But sometimes the stupid things are the things you cry about. And by "you," I mean "me." Or "I." Use the subjective or objective case, as appropriate.
I had 76 visitors in one day; rather a high number for me. I wasn't going to post anything this week, but I'd hate to disappoint such a huge reading public. But I don't really have much to say, so I'll just share this little collection of pictures that I took yesterday at the National Gallery of Art. I took many more; maybe I'll post them another time.
I have a weakness for museum gift shops and the NGA's gift shops are the best. I bought a canvas tote bag, because I love canvas tote bags; and a book, Every Person in New York, by the great Jason Polan. Great art can't fix a bad haircut, but it makes me feel a little better. And my hair will grow.
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