Monday, March 7, 2016

My work here is done

I was supposed to start my new job today, but my start date was pushed back to tomorrow.  No big deal, except that I had no other work to do and I don't do very well with unplanned free time.  I made chili, and I washed my car, and I exercised and did some housework.  I also worked on my book, and read for a bit.  Still, it seemed like a rather wasted day.

Oh, and I watched TV--IFC is running a "Rocky" marathon.  I never get tired of Rocky.  And I cleaned some windows that were sorely in need of cleaning.  And researched some quick weeknight meal ideas; with my new full-time job, I'll need to plan dinners ahead of time.  And still, I felt like I had too much time on my hands.

Plus I drove one kid to school, and then drove to the high school to drop off something that the other kid forgot and begged me to bring to him.  While I was driving, I rehearsed the speech that I'll need to give him, the one about not forgetting things at home because I won't be home to deliver them to him at school.  And then, of course, I wrote this nonsense, too.  And it still felt like I didn't do very much.

This is what happens when you're really busy for a really long time.  Like full-time working, raising children, volunteering, driving children to sports and activities, going to school, moving, moving again, changing jobs, changing jobs again, compulsive housecleaning busy.  You get accustomed to that level of activity, and then you just don't know how to fill the empty time when any one or more of those things don't need doing anymore.  And this is only one day.

Well, a week from now, I'm sure I won't be wondering how to fill my time.  Meanwhile, dinner is already cooked, at 4:20 PM.  What to do with the rest of the evening?  Yo! Adrian!

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